2025 Wyoming County Spring Job Fair
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 (3:00 PM - 5:00 PM) (EDT)
The Wyoming County Spring Job Fair is sponsored by WCJW Radio, and presented by the Wyoming County Chamber of Commerce, and Community Action for Wyoming County.
Are you having a difficult time finding employees? Are you looking for a low-cost and effective way to reach out to potential employees and showcase your business at the same time?
Please join us for the annual Wyoming County Spring Job Fair. Our target audience for this event encompasses all professions, skills and ages. Many are unemployed job seekers, others are under-employed individuals and commuters looking for a career change. Visitors will be encouraged to bring resumes and we will have space available for them to fill out applications.
The registration deadline is April 18, 2025. Don't miss this great opportunity to reach out to the workforce and make them aware of your business and your employment needs. This page is only for employers/businesses to register for the job fair.
The event will run from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM on Tuesday, April 22, 2025. Employer setup will begin at 2:30 PM.

3415 South Main Street
Warsaw, NY 14569 United States
The Ministry Center is located to the rear of the Valley Chapel parking lot.
Community Event